Collection: SPARKLERS

Coventry Fireworks King supplies a range of sparklers. Their sparklers are designed to be a handheld firework that throws off sparks on ignition and come as plain, coloured and crackling effects. They are a great way to add some interactive fun to displays.

We also stock Eco Friendly Sparklers for anyone who would prefer this variety.

Frequently asked questions

What is a sparkler firework?

A sparkler firework is an incredibly versatile firework. It can literally be used anywhere! A sparkler is generally handheld with the top half being coated with gun powder. It's lit at the top and creates fantastic sparks. Sparklers can come in various shapes and size as well as colours and effects. Kids and adults alike love a good old sparkler.

What kind of sparklers are good for a fireworks event?

All our sparkler fireworks at Coventry Fireworks King are fantastic for any event. Sparklers add an extra bit of magic to any party, so watch the kids and guests faces light up as they light up our amazing sparklers.

What occasion is best for sparklers?

Bonfire night, New Years Eve and weddings are perfect for sparkler fireworks. They are relatively inexpensive and come in packs of 4 or 5 so enough to go around.